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Impossible is a word in the dictionary of fools

It was Napoleon Bonaparte, the great conqueror, who said, "Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools ". Come to think of it, there is so much truth in this quote. How often we have thought that a particular plan is impossible. But then the situation changes and the plan becomes easy and possible. Those who think that something can never be done are not fools, I wonder rather say they are lazy, unimaginative, unambitious and weak of heart.

 If Sherpa Tenzing ha said, "Climbing Mount Everest is impossible", his name would not have been in the history books today. If Wilma Rudolf has listened to her doctor and never got off bed, being paralytic, she would never have won three Olympic gold medals. Doing and achieving depends on the strength of the mind and heart. Life keeps on testing us at every twist and turn. We come across hundreds of obstacles on your upward journey. It is for us to say, "No matter, I can overcome this roadblock as well." It is from such an attitude that all achievements and all successes originate. So instead of shedding tears when things become too difficult, let us like Walt Disney say, "It.s kind of fun to do the impossible".

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