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Pride goes before a fall.

Everyone know the story of the deer who was proud of his beautiful horns and ashamed of his lean legs. But when the deer was in danger, it was his legs that helped him run swiftly, and his horns that got entangled in the branches and led to his death. hence we should never be proud of our possessions. We should quietly acknowledge our skills and use them for our progress and the service of others. If we are excessively proud of what we own, the very thing we brag about will bring about our downfall.

 Nothing in this world belongs to us in the final reckoning. So why should we be proud? Whatever wealth we accumulate during our lifetime should be used for the benefit of others. The tree in the forest is not proud of its products. Instead it freely gives its produce to the birds, the animals, the insects and man. It is only man who is vain, who loves to boast and show off his worldly possessions to others.Ultimately, however, he has to leave everything behind, while his body is left to burn or decay. To be proud is to be foolish. To be humble is to be wise.

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    Pride can cause you to appear intellectually challenged. The devil had a pride problem. The devil knew that Jesus was God in the flesh, and he still tried to tempt Jesus to sin. [Matthew 4:1-11]


    Pride destroys the faculty for understanding.

    Pride hinders the power of discernment.

    Pride is a road-block to clear thinking.

    Pride clouds our judgment.

    Pride restricts our comprehension.

    Pride causes us to think we are smarter than God.

    Pride opens the avenue for us to believe man-made doctrine.

    2 Peter 3:16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things , in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.

    Pride renders men unteachable and unstable and causes them to distort the truth, and believe the false doctrine of others, to their own destruction.

    When we study God's word relying on our own understanding; rather than asking God to show us HIS truth we become a victim of are own pride.

    Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes. Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.



    (All Scripture quotes from: NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE)

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