Foolish people are often reckless, attempting feats that the wise avoid. This saying is from “An Essay on Criticism,” by Alexander Pope and relates to decision making. Actually, the proverb warns us against hasty and thoughtless action. It is unwise to be hasty. Prudent people are always very careful in their dealings with others. They think twice before they act as Napoleon Hill says,
"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."
So, the wise and prudent people think of the consequences of their actions and will act only if they can succeed. Such people won’t jump to hasty conclusions and so they normally succeed in what they do. But foolish people act hastily without proper thought. They won’t think of the consequences of their actions. They will jump to hasty conclusions and so they be unsuccessful in their endeavours. When foolish people lose the game by acting hastily, wise men win it by playing it with patience.
Therefore, it is said that fools enter into critical situations without much thought where even angels fear to go. A person should think twice before he undertakes a project. If he takes any step rashly and recklessly, it can prove to be dangerous. Work done recklessly is not at all profitable. If a small country decides to fight against a big powerful country, the former will surely meet with failure; such a thoughtless decision will destroy that country. When a person decides to start a business, he should think twice. Foolish people always take rash decisions and it is wrong. Such people are led more by their instincts than their thoughts. Thus the proverb cautions us against reckless acts and reminds “Haste makes waste.”
In a nutshell, when considering an action be sure to consider all angles before making the final decision. A hasty foolish or bad action can land you in a modern day 'Hell" where further consideration would have had you take another course. The assumption is that there are no angels in Hell. Another proverb in support of this is "Look before you leap".
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"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."
So, the wise and prudent people think of the consequences of their actions and will act only if they can succeed. Such people won’t jump to hasty conclusions and so they normally succeed in what they do. But foolish people act hastily without proper thought. They won’t think of the consequences of their actions. They will jump to hasty conclusions and so they be unsuccessful in their endeavours. When foolish people lose the game by acting hastily, wise men win it by playing it with patience.
Therefore, it is said that fools enter into critical situations without much thought where even angels fear to go. A person should think twice before he undertakes a project. If he takes any step rashly and recklessly, it can prove to be dangerous. Work done recklessly is not at all profitable. If a small country decides to fight against a big powerful country, the former will surely meet with failure; such a thoughtless decision will destroy that country. When a person decides to start a business, he should think twice. Foolish people always take rash decisions and it is wrong. Such people are led more by their instincts than their thoughts. Thus the proverb cautions us against reckless acts and reminds “Haste makes waste.”
In a nutshell, when considering an action be sure to consider all angles before making the final decision. A hasty foolish or bad action can land you in a modern day 'Hell" where further consideration would have had you take another course. The assumption is that there are no angels in Hell. Another proverb in support of this is "Look before you leap".
LIST OF PROVERB EXPANSIONS , Press CTRL+F and Search your Expansion.
- Manners Make the Man - 2
- Manners Make the Man - 1
- One Good Turn Deserves Another
- Rome Was Not Built In A Day
- Actions speak louder than words
- Examination a necessary evil
- A thing of beauty is a joy forever
- A rolling stone gather no moss.
- The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
- Handsome is as handsome does.
- Honesty is the best policy
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Rules The World
- Where There is a Will,there is a Way
- As you sow, so shall you reap.
- Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
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